The almost birthday boy himself...
Who knew that Tony Romo could bowl...
I'm with you Lexie, lean to the right... and maybe the ball will go the opposite direction...
After a few strikes, birthday song, pizza & cake... they were "sugared up" and looking like this by the time we left!!! :)
Lookin' good kids! I bet they want to go bowlin' lots now!
Lexie, you're the cutest! What a fun birthday party!
haha that is so hilarious!
i can't believe that they've never been bowling!!
Kelly you are so good with that camera and the ideas for the blog. Wish you were closer to teach me how to do more.
I really enjoy looking at your blog. Great job and it should be on the top bloggers list.
Pam May (jess and stacy's mom)
Jordan had lots of fun bowling with you Friday night - thanks!!
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