Well, I spoke too soon b/c Saturday night about 1:30 (which BT and I had just gone to sleep about midnight) I get a little tap and a sweet little voice says "mommy, I just threw up... in my bed"... I'm thinking "what am I dreaming"? Then, reality set in and my stomach sank and the mommy instinct kicked into gear.... and all of the thoughts started flowing. Where do I begin? Is it alot? Is it going to be on the floor? Are we all going to have it all this next week? Are there clothes sitting in the washing machine from earlier today that I haven't got out b/c now I need to load it with sheets? Am I going to be up all night with this poor little angel hour after hour? As I get up to walk with her to the bathroom she says... "it's all in my hair"... I'm thinking "oooohhh no"... and BOOM she was rubbing her eyes and blindly walked into the side of my bedroom armoire. It was getting ugly quick... Not until the BOOM and the cry did BT wake up. I'm laughing now, but it wasn't funny at the time. In fact, my husband decides he's going to get up & get her soiled throw up sheets and WAD them, yes wad them up (chunks & all) and get this... throw them out into the GARAGE! Yes he did! Yes, he is a man. Ok... he tells me he did that & I'm thinking... who does he think is going to have to deal with that at some point in time? I will say that that same man took his little girl and took her to the bath, cleaned her off & washed her hair as he comforted her. Then he took the time to blow dry it and her (b/c she was cold) at 2 am. I was just hearing him in there sweet talking under the sound of the blow dryer thinking "thank you Lord for that man... my husband... that sweet daddy taking care of his baby".... even though he threw those DARNED sheets in the garage b/c he didn't want to deal with it... LOL Most importantly he had rescued "blankey-bunny" (that is what she sleeps with - see pic - and I'm convinced she'll probably sleep with until she's 16) out of the rubble and put them in the laundry room so I could wash them right away. He's the man... knowing what takes priority!! Anyway, with all that said that was the only time she threw up and has been fine since. Whheww... I don't know if that was a "bug" or something she ate, but right now all is calm. Say a prayer. While you're at it, go ahead & say a prayer for me b/c I'm having a mammogram/ultrasound done on Wed. just to check out a spot my OB/GYN says is "probably nothing." I just keep thinking that lots of people's lives change in that one hour appt., but have to believe that God has his own agenda with me.
I have hilarious video of Jake & Rylan at their last Upwards game. Their teams played each other & you would've thought that they were in the driveway playing each other like they do at each other's houses. LOL It was great! They were even guarding each other & their competitve juices were flowing! I'll post "the big game" soon.
I am laughing out loud at the sheets in the garage! Our men, love 'em to death, can't figure 'em out to save our lives!
Kelli, that has been my life for the last month! Seriously, AT LEAST a month. I can totally sympathize, and SOOOO sorry your sweet family got sick.
And, get this...I'm the only one that hasn't been sick. Although, Rod got the flu shot and he got the flu. :(
We start our third round of antibiotics tonight. :( Possible tubes for ryan's ears too.
finally!!!! I've been missing hearing about my cousin's! And Brian, trust me, I would have done the same. Don't let her give you too much heck for it! When somethings gross or muddy you throw it in the garage and the garage fairy cleans it up! DUH! :) Love and miss ya'll!
Oh my gosh...I'm assuming that the "wad" got cleaned up in the garage by you...just like the "wad" on the back porch was cleaned up by me. Leave it to us moms! And I was laughing about the BOOM, but I do know how that is...not so funny in the middle of the night..I've so been there. You are in my prayers and have been for tomorrow, my sweet friend!
Ok. I am remembering a time when we went for Ken's pizza and Lexi threw up everywhere and we just WALKED OUT, and left the poor pitiful waiter to clean up all her throw up..Remember Kelli? We just put napkins on it and rushed out? Oh had horrible..LOL....Love hearing about your sweet family....Love to you...Aunt Jane
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