"...but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles: they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint..."
Isaiah 40:31

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Pick Up The Pace

Ok... I'm having a hard time keeping my posts up to date... I'm going to try to be better and pick up the pace!! It might be b/c I've been going all over the place this week with STITCHES in my FACE!!! They are driving me CRAZY! I had a little minor "pro-surgery" (You mean... you don't know what that is? It's when you combine the word "procedure and surgery" like a goof in conversation like I did as I was telling somebody about my face!!) Anyway, I spared the picture that Lexie took of me and my stitches on the blog fearing that someone would end up grossed out!! HA! Three more days and they come out... ouch. Ok, I'm not going to think about it until then.
Everytime I've thought of blogging a flood of thoughts & pictures & activities come to mind of the last week and I just get overloaded thinking about all that I could write about. So, I'm just going to break it down and put a few things at a time! That way I'll update more often this week too, right?
First, I have to say... Raegan got her first car!! Congrats Rae! She is about to be sixteen & that's been some exciting news going on right now! I still remember my first car... a black '89 Ford Probe!! I loved that car!
Also, I've been meaning to put this on here... it's the cutest little owl that was in our back yard! Now, we don't live in the country, so this was so wierd. Being that I swear I'm partly night blind I had to grab the video camera in order to zoom in on this thing and spot it. Also, I knew that BT wouldn't believe me when I told him there was an OWL in our backyard so I needed proof! This pic is a stillshot taken off the video I took, so it might not be the best.... but here he is... so cute.

Can you even see it?

Also, I have to say welcome The Glenney Family and The Bryan Family to the blogging world!!


The Milams said...

I have been wondering where you disappeared to.

STITCHES...what??? I didn't know.

Happy Sunday!

the bryans said...

Thanks for welcoming us to the world of blogging.

I had that same black '89 Ford Probe - loved mine, too!!

Kthed said...

Are my links and music at the bottom of the page?? They're not on my computer, but they are on someone else's... just curious as to what people are seeing...